Construction Today, Vol 20 Iss- 3 Final Book | Page 117




Behind Florida ’ s number one community-owned utility – JEA

For those outside of Florida , or for those living in the Sunshine State and unaware , here ’ s a snapshot history of JEA . Before its new nominal anacronym , JEA was known as Jacksonville Electric Authority . In 1895 , the City of Jacksonville started generating its own electricity , necessitating a local authority . Fast forward to 1967 , city and county governments consolidated , which resulted in the newly named electric division : Jacksonville Electric Authority .

In 1997 , the electricity operator merged with the city ’ s utility department and became responsible for Jackson ’ s water and wastewater treatment . The new partnership became JEA the following year .
Today , the 128-year-old firm is the largest community-owned utility in Florida and the eighth largest in the US . It operates across four counties and employs in excess of 2000 people .
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