Construction Today, Vol 20 Iss- 3 Final Book | Page 27





The ever-increasing role of the ‘ I ’ in BIM for construction projects . By Nick Scalone

The ‘ I ’ in BIM has always had the potential to be important in construction projects . It ’ s not a new concept and has been thrown around the industry since the 1970s . It wasn ’ t commonly known until the US Army Corps of Engineers first introduced the term BIM in a 1992 report on the use of digital technology in the construction industry . This simple concept has grown exponentially more valuable than when it was first introduced and has more implications for projects than just a 3D model or design . Let ’ s explore how ‘ information ’ has evolved , how it has changed the behavior of firms regarding digital delivery , and how this impacts the industry ’ s ability to become more sustainable and energy efficient .

Before we proceed with how and why the ‘ I ’ is used , let ’ s ensure we ’ re on the same page about what the ‘ I ’ even means . When
the term was introduced , the primary focus was on the use of 3D modeling software with limited capabilities for integrating information beyond basic geometry . Recently , the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) defined Information as : “ Reinterpretable representation of data in a formalized manner suitable for communication , interpretation , or processing .” ( ISO 19650-1 : 2018 )
Full lifecycle benefits
The ISO definition is considerably different from what many of us assume . The original goal , which is still true today , is that the information is used to inform decision-making . Focusing on the key terms ‘ reinterpretable ’ and ‘ formalized ,’ will help guide the answer to the role information plays today .
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