Construction Today, Vol 20 Iss- 3 Final Book | Page 79

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alterman
Right away , he ’ s taking this opportunity to point out how Alterman ’ s people-focused structure works to set the company apart from its competitors .
“ Though I ’ m the CEO , I don ’ t own the company ; rather , I own about this much ,” he says , displaying a tiny gap – no more than half an inch – between his thumb and forefinger . “ Just a tiny bit !”
As he goes on to explain , Alterman operates with an Employee Stock Ownership Plan ( ESOP ), meaning that , like everyone else , Greg is part-employee , partowner . His interests in the firm mirror those on-site , on the shop floor , and in the office alike .
“ It ’ s our secret sauce ,” he asserts . “ As a result of the ESOP framework , we proudly take ownership of our company-wide actions and attitudes , which in turn shapes how we present ourselves to customers .
“ In fact , I would go as far as to say that sharing stock ownership across our employee network is the main reason behind our incredible growth . Undoubtedly , ESOP has helped bring Alterman to where it is today .”
Humble beginnings
To understand just how far the Texas-based business has come , it ’ s worth going right back to the beginning . “ When you think about what the world looked like in 1923 ,” says Greg , “ it ’ s almost like a different world , especially in terms of its electrical network .”
Lightbulbs were being slowly integrated into new builds , but they were not as commonplace as they are today . Naturally , there wasn ’ t a huge amount of work in the field .
▼ Greg Padalecki - President & CEO
Photo : David Marquez de la Plata
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