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Inspiring strategies
One such example of knowledge sharing is in RE Tech ’ s support of the US Department of Energy ’ s ( DOE ) Better Buildings Initiative . RE Tech worked with the DOE on this market transformation program through which partners collaboratively pursue ambitious energy , waste , water , and greenhouse gas reduction goals . Organizations share their real-world pathways for achieving significant savings in their buildings , industrial facilities , and multifamily homes . In doing so , they inspire others , demonstrate strategies to overcome common barriers , and catalyze significant progress in energy efficiency and decarbonization .
If we can pull together a cohesive and comprehensive set of solutions , the industry will be able to move forward at speed and scale
“ The DOE carries out advanced analysis to see whether new technologies are commercially ready , and helps to deploy them into the marketplace ,” Deb explains . “ The department works at many different levels , including government , and one way that Legence has assisted is in helping to design and construct new federal facilities that also function as case studies , such as the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio . We provided the data and expertise to enable the government to select a highperforming HVAC system and cost-effective mechanical design to facilitate long-lasting positive results , while managing the missioncritical nature of government facilities that demand zero downtime and resiliency .”
Era of the engineer
Looking to the future for the construction industry , Deb suggests that we ’ re fundamentally in the ‘ era of the engineer ’. “ If you consider existing facilities , most of today ’ s buildings will still be here in 20- or 30-years ’ time when decarbonization goals will theoretically have been attained . I believe engineers will need to think about the existing systems and how to either electrify buildings or materially change the way that they ’ ve been heated and cooled .
“ Embedded systems will require renovation on a capital planning cycle that can work for the owners and investors . Hence , why I say it ’ s the era of the engineer . In terms of construction , I think the issue is quite different . There is more of a focus on embodied carbon and the potential for alternative materials , such as low carbon concrete . In some cases , the technologies are new and are still in the development phase .
“ We need solutions and commitment from manufacturers to create new products that can enable buildings to be constructed in a safe and healthy way . I don ’ t think enough people understand this and not enough information exists . Every time we put forward new technology , it ’ s going to be in place for the next 40 or 50 years . We need to address the embodied carbon in new construction and focus on deep retrofit solutions for existing buildings .
“ The answer to decarbonizing the built environment lies in end-to-end solutions . A fragmented market leads to a lot of wasted time and money ,” Deb concludes . “ If we can pull together a cohesive and comprehensive set of solutions , the industry will be able to move forward at speed and scale .” ■
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