Construction Today, Vol 20 Issue 4 - July 2023 | Page 26

Risk can be reduced with management
Totally eliminating risk is almost impossible , but safety protocols can be introduced to significantly reduce risk . Risk management is the job of plant operators and construction professionals , and their job is being eased with the introduction of real-time data from video telematics enabling them to spot and prevent risks through enhanced visibility and learn from incidents for the future .
Cover all angles with AI and video telematics
Even experienced plant operators struggle to manage , detect , and respond to risks quickly when operating heavy machinery . However , operators can now get help from cameras and sensors to give them a 360 ° view of their machine , all from the comfort of the cab . Previously when operating large machinery visibility was restricted , leaving dangerous blind spots , but now with the new cameras and sensors , operators can see into these blind spots .
The next generation of video telematics is here , and it comes with AI embedded . For example , the intelligent detection camera has adopted deep learning technology to provide real-time insights to those operating and working around heavy machinery . This includes automatically alerting the driver to people in their blind spot when conducting maneuvers and audible alarms for those in the danger zone .
Complacency increases risk
Operators can become complacent and ignore real alarms due to false positives , such as alarms being triggered by inanimate objects . AI-enhanced smart cameras can help prevent these by identifying vulnerable people in a 20-meter radius with accuracy , giving the driver an increased understanding of the risk and increased rection time to reduce risk .
Gain virtual eyes everywhere with 24 / 7 Cloud-enabled video telematics
The introduction of cloud-based platforms such as captured data , forward-facing