____________________________________________________________________________________________ Buzzi Unicem
. . . when we consider transport purchases , such as trucks , the energy efficiency of those trucks is important . We ’ re willing to pay more for energy efficiency , and not primarily because of the pay back
and we ’ re changing with it . We ’ re not a laggard , in most cases , we ’ re on the leading edge . While there is a learning curve for everyone involved , this is positive progress and we ’ re trying very hard to move forward at pace ,” Kirk explains .
“ Our industry consumes a considerable amount of energy , both in terms of electricity and fuel ,” continues Massimo . “ As such , we have been trying to reduce our fossil fuel consumption . We ’ re currently able to repurpose waste that would have been destined for landfill into fuel . We ’ re also trying to increase our natural gas usage which boasts a lower carbon footprint . These are the two main areas in which we ’ re making great strides , and indeed , we are leading in the US , in percentage terms , for fuel substitution . The US industry average is below 15 percent , and we are by far above 20 .”
Kirk continues : “ Water in the State of Texas is very inexpensive , and usage was not something that anyone would have cared about 20 years ago , not in any meaningful way , anyway . However , we track our usage and report on it on a monthly basis . In so doing , we are striving to minimize our overall consumption while maximizing what we do use .”
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