Construction Today, Vol 20 Issue 4 - July 2023 | Page 49

______________________________________________________________________________________________ Fiore & Sons
transitional phases between our work and theirs , and came to realize that this model was riddled with huge inefficiencies . We discovered that we could eliminate these transitions , and the resultant arguments between contractors and different teams , by offering mass earthwork and utilities services ourselves .
“ So , we started out in mass earthwork projects , in which we would move sometimes up to several million cubic yards of dirt , instead of just grading it . We also began subcontracting asphalt and concrete work , alongside utilities , and bound all the elements together as a single package for our clients . This is what we call our Civil Construction Management ( CCM ) process .
“ We introduced it as a tool to partner with our customers ,” he adds , “ not to compete against them . We want to do all of the outside
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