Construction Today, Vol 21 Issue 1 | Page 13

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Main interview
qualified professionals are actively sought by recruiters , which results in turnover issues .
Furthermore , Richard mentions the rise in construction costs , which significantly impacts project budgets . The construction cost index indicates a recent 20-percent increase , making it more expensive for owners to obtain the same product compared to five years ago . “ These issues are some of what we ’ re focused on as an industry , but we ’ re having a difficult time motivating change . Construction costs have risen massively , and the Covid-19 pandemic really hurt us in terms of the availability of materials . I think we ’ re still seeing the impact of that . Fortunately , judging by the last couple of months , I think that will start to sort itself out in the new year ,” he shares .
Despite the challenges , Superior Construction remains committed to building the Carolinas Division , with the Ashley River Pedestrian Bridge in Charleston serving as a flagship project . Richard expresses his confidence in the company ’ s leadership and direction , and emphasizes the importance of adapting to industry changes and fostering a skilled workforce . In conclusion , Superior Construction ’ s success in winning the Ashley River Crossing project development not only signifies a pivotal moment for the company , but also mirrors the broader challenges and triumphs within the construction industry . “ From my
perspective , I ’ m keen to continue to grow our Carolinas Division . Once that has been achieved , I think we will strengthen our joint venture work , which will solidify our name as a key player in the industry ,” says Richard . “ As the bridge , and projects of a similar nature , continue to take shape , we will see more of the industry ’ s resilience , innovation , and determination to overcome obstacles , which will secure a brighter future for infrastructure development across the Carolinas ,” he concludes . ■
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