Construction Today - Vol 21 Issue 2 | Page 26

Cover Story _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Both father and son ’ s pursuit of quality has helped triple revenue while staying true to Mark Beamish Waterproofing ’ s ( MBW ) founding principles . “ My father started the business out of a desire to provide for his growing family . But his goal was to establish the work on integrity . He wanted to find success by following the principles that he believed in . His experience prior to starting his own business was that the paychecks wouldn ’ t clear , his bosses would lie , cheat , steal and gamble away their money . So , I guess he just wanted to do his work honestly . He started caulking and sealants for tilt ups and paid careful attention to quality of work and customer service ,” Adam begins .
Reflecting on his upbringing and his father ’ s blue-collar ethos , Adam ’ s initial reluctance to embrace the physical demands of construction was subsequent to a skiing accident , which geared him towards more theoretical practices . His father , on the other hand , saw Adam ’ s strengths as an opportunity to include a successor who could lead the company with a more businessminded perspective .
Sector specialists
Despite the challenges of modernizing the company and preserving its core values , Adam navigated the transition well . His approach was to align the organization with contemporary business practices while honoring its heritage . He shares : “ We ’ ve fought so hard to keep the values my father instilled . When I took over in 2009 , we added simple things like a website , emails and a really savvy ERP system , as well as processes , procedures , a mission , vision , and values – basically , all the aspects he had no interest in doing . So ,


The liquid-applied Siplast Parapro System is perfect for jobs with difficult access . And its high durability means you get quick installation without trimming quality .