happens is workers must pull together disparate pieces of information from across all those tech tools .
For a mid-sized construction company , employees spend 11 hours per week , on average , tracking down the information they need to do their job . By the time they get the information they need , hours and sometimes days are lost . In this example , the ripple effect and subsequent delays are caused solely by the construction company . The time that detracts employees from working on more meaningful and revenue-generating activities is known as gray work .
The sunk costs of gray work
Given the project-based nature of construction , gray work is especially prevalent in the industry . There is irony in the fact that for many construction companies , the increased use of technology does not always equate to employees getting more done .
Consider the findings from the April 2024 Gray Work Index . The annual productivity survey from Quickbase provides insights from nearly 2000 workers , with more than 300 in decisionmaking roles at construction companies . While 66 percent of respondents reported increased investments in tools / software to enhance productivity , work management and collaboration , other key takeaways from the survey reveal larger issues :
• 94 percent of today ’ s workers are overwhelmed by the number of software solutions they need to do their work .
• 58 percent spend less than 20 hours per week on meaningful work that drives results .
• 74 percent report that the amount of manual work has either stayed the same or increased over the past year .
These data points can be jarring , but it does not mean technology investments are not worthwhile for construction companies . It does mean , however , that existing investments in technology are not being maximized . Ideally , the information contained in all those digital information sources is woven together in a way that makes it easy for anybody to quickly see the status of a project without creating gray work .
When talking about reducing , or potentially eliminating gray work , the question of AI often arises . Can it help or hinder the process ?
The impact of AI on construction productivity
AI holds potential for streamlining administrative functions and boosting productivity . Yet many construction decision makers are convinced that widespread use of AI is not ready for prime time .
According to the Quickbase survey , when respondents were asked about the use of AI , it was clear that while curiosity is high , confidence is low . The survey found that 92 percent are curious about AI-powered tools to enhance productivity and efficiency . However , 90 percent have some level of doubt about the accuracy of information generated by AI . Further , 94 percent are at least concerned about the risks of AI in matters of data security , compliance , and privacy .
Yet ignoring the impact of AI is not optional . As AI continues to evolve , it will decrease the prevalence of gray work ; but only if it is strategically factored into a larger business and IT strategy . One that is built on a dynamic work management platform with high quality data