Construction Today - Vol 21 Issue 4 | Page 16

The construction sector utilizes drones for two applications . Surveying drones are used prior to construction , during construction for monitoring progress and project management , and inspection drones are used after construction during the lifetime of the building or infrastructure to monitor it and anticipate renovation work .
While the role of drones is undeniably transformative , selecting the right camera to complement its capabilities in construction projects is a critical consideration . The camera serves as the lens through which the drone captures the construction site , and it must be meticulously chosen to meet the project ’ s specific needs , ensuring the delivery of high-quality data and images .
This article explores the essential factors that construction professionals must take into account when deciding on the camera to use in their drones . It is imperative that this choice guarantees not only optimal image quality but also maintains the drone ’ s aerodynamics and operational efficiency . When selecting a camera for drones used in construction , the following considerations hold significant weight :
Sensor size
The use of drones to capture images during construction projects requires precision . Consequently , the camera ’ s resolution is of utmost importance . However , striking the right balance between sensor size and image quality is essential . Smaller sensors with higher pixel density can provide exceptional resolution but may struggle in low-light conditions . On the other hand , larger sensors can deliver better low-light capabilities but might compromise image quality . When choosing a camera , consider how it integrates seamlessly into the drone ’ s design to ensure each component functions harmoniously .
Weight and flight time
As sensor size increases , so does the camera ’ s weight , directly impacting the drone ’ s flight time . The choice of camera should align with the specific flight time requirements of the construction application . For shorter flights , a more sophisticated yet heavier camera may be suitable , while longer flight times necessitate lighter camera options . Striking a balance between flight time and image quality often proves to be the most pragmatic approach .