Construction Today - Vol 21 Issue 4 | Page 23

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scheduling

Scheduling safety

How modern ConTech tools increase safety on construction job sites By Nitin Bhandari

When construction executives sit down to develop plans , bids , and schedules for a project , profitability and efficiency are always top of mind . However , worker safety is another extremely important element that contributes directly to a company ’ s success and reputation , as well as the health and wellbeing of their employees .

According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics , the construction industry is the most dangerous industry . With fatal work injuries outpacing other industry sectors , maintaining worker safety is indisputably one of the most important concerns for construction teams . To mitigate the on-site risk and protect their workers , construction company leaders have had to identify and implement new tools and practices to ensure that safety is a top priority from the very beginning to the very end of a project while also prioritizing timeliness , efficiency , and profitability .
Ongoing obstacles standing in the way of safety
Today , construction firms face numerous challenges that impact both the successful completion of projects and the safety of workers on site . These include labor shortages , supply chain delays , rising material costs , and inclement weather conditions . In addition to hindering contractors ’ ability to maintain efficient and profitable operations , these challenges also directly impact the safety of their workers , both directly and indirectly , which is debatably the most important part of a job .
One of the largest concerns facing the construction industry over the last several years has been the ongoing shortage of skilled laborers . As growing numbers of the construction workforce approach retirement age and prepare to leave the industry , construction companies are struggling to keep pace with the
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