Construction Today - Vol 21 Issue 4 | Page 39

Final product – GGP
▲ Pre-processing glass to remove contaminants
Furthermore , PozzoDyne TM can be blended with other SCMs such as slag and fly ash to create customized concrete formulations . This flexibility allows concrete producers to tailor their mixes to specific project requirements while enhancing the overall performance and sustainability of the concrete .
Overcoming industry barriers
Despite its numerous benefits ,
the adoption of new materials like PozzoDyne TM in the concrete industry can face several barriers . Regulatory compliance and market acceptance are two significant challenges . AggrePlex is actively working to address these issues by engaging with industry regulators through conducting rigorous testing to demonstrate the safety , durability , and environmental benefits of PozzoDyne TM .
To drive the adoption of pozzolan , the concrete industries require substantial and consistent volumes of material . This need presents a significant hurdle for widespread acceptance . However , as previously mentioned , our technology provides us with the solution to this problem . This capability ensures that companies can make the necessary investments in infrastructure and storage , as well as in the formulation of concrete matrices . By providing the volumes required , we offer a solution that supports the industry ’ s transition to using pozzolan , promoting its broader adoption .
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