Construction Today - Vol 21 Issue 2 | Page 35

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Manitex International
words so it could be shared throughout the company - that ’ s where ‘ Elevating Excellence ’ came from . We released the concept to employees and the public in 2023 . This would serve as the first year in a three-year plan . We ’ re really very fortunate that it ’ s been a huge success . The business has grown in the top line , we ’ ve increased the value that we ’ re bringing to customers , and profitability has improved in the process . It goes without saying , we ’ re thrilled with the results so far . “ When I joined Manitex , it already had good products , strong middle-management , and an impressive customer base . What was lacking was a forward-thinking strategy that would unite the various operating units and compel growth . Leveraging our strengths , we re-organized our structure and improved our processes , giving the company room to grow . We ’ ve also started working in several new markets , where people clearly have a big appetite for what we are offering . The strategy of Elevating Excellence improved the
company ’ s efficiency and productivity , allowing us to scale our operations ,” Michael details .
Practical , energy efficient products
Bolstered by recent successes , Manitex International will release several exciting new products throughout the coming year . “ We ’ re introducing new additions to our construction equipment portfolio in 2024 . The new product line includes a range of electrified cranes with the ability to operate on either fully electric or hybrid mode . That brings a lot of value to the customer through new applications and greater energy efficiency . Additionally , a lot of our customers are looking to make their operations more environmentally friendly , which is why a fully electric option is so important .
“ The new cranes are efficient and practical by design . Wherever possible , we want to keep things simple . Our new products really offer quite an elegant solution to the challenges now being faced in the
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