Construction Today - Vol 21 Issue 6 | Page 50

diesel engines are designed to run as hard as possible . However , we found that many of our customers had loads far below the 50 percent rated load , which caused engine issues . We also noticed that our customers had variable loads , ranging from 2-to-18 kilowatts on a 20-kilowatt generator . To address this issue , we developed a product called Smartload , a load bank that adds an artificial resistive load to the generator or engine , allowing it to run at a higher capability and adding 40 percent of the load to it , thereby solving the problem .
“ However , by running at a higher load , the generator burns more fuel and produces more carbon emissions . Consequently , we began researching a better solution , which led to the development of Energy Boss , a high-cycle and high-voltage battery system that works in conjunction with a generator to charge the batteries , which then provide power through inverters . When the load is running at 20 percent , for example , the load is run off of the batteries and inverters , and when the batteries get low , the generator turns on and runs at 100 percent of load to recharge them in about 35 minutes , after which the generator turns off again ,” he informs .
Energy-efficient innovation
Last year , the success and efficiency of Energy Boss has driven ANA to expand into the telecom industry , where it has proven particularly useful . “ The telecom industry faces significant challenges with these variable loads . Mobile cell towers are often used by multiple providers , and most of the time , the towers ’ generators run at about 10-to-15 percent of their rated load . However , when operators send a signal to the tower , the load can spike up to 90 percent , requiring all that generator capability . This is where Energy Boss comes in , as the technology is directly transferable to the telecom industry , driving us to venture into this market . So far , we have seen significant success in the North American market with the product and we are currently working with major players such as Verizon , AT & T , Dish , and Boost Mobile , all of whom are utilizing our products ,” Kevin concludes .
▲ Kevin Day
Through energy-efficient innovations like Energy Boss and a commitment to excellent customer service , ANA empowers its clients to achieve maximum power reliability . ■
www . anacorp . com